Python+Selenium Training Institute Marathahalli - Basic
- Introduction
- Futures of python
- Limitations of python
- Flavour of python
- Python version
- Identifiers
- Reserved words
- Data Type
- Slicing of String
- Type Casting
- Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability
- Constants
- We are into one of the best Python+Selenium Training Institute Marathahalli , Bangalore
Flow Control
String Data Type
List Data Type
Tuple Data Type
Packages Logical Program
File Handling
Generator Functions
WebDriver and it’s API
WebElement and its API:
- Perform action on the web element using WebElement API
Selenium Supported Class:
- Working with web page elements/Controls
- Working with Dropdown using Select Class
- Listbox
- Radio buttons
- Multi-select box
- Date picker
- Combobox widget
- Action class for Mouse and Key board Actions
- Introducing wait – implicit and explicit wait
- Working with Action Class For Mouse and Key Board Action
Work with multiple HTML windows and Alert window
Work with Multiple Frames
Work with Invisible Popup, Unexpected Popup
Download and Upload the File
Working with static and dynamic Web tables
Working with Proxy API
Handling Java script alerts, confirmations and prompts
Taking screenshots for Failed and Pass Test Cases
Working With JSON
=================PyTest Framework======================
- Introduction to PyTest framework
- Installing PyTest
- PyTest Fixtures
- Running multiple tests using PyTest
- Generating Test report
===================== PyUnit Framework======================
- Introduction to PyUnit framework
- Installing PyUnit
- PyUnit Annotations
- Test case creations/running
- Assertions/ Reporting Errors
- Reports in PyUnit
=======================Data Driven Testing============================
- Reading and writing data from Excel
- Writing automation scripts to use excel data
======================== Page Object Model (POM)========================
- What is Page Object Model (POM)
- Concept of Object Repository
- Need for POM
- Page Factory
- Implementing POM
- We are into one of the best Python+Selenium Training Institute Marathahalli , Bangalore